robots.txt placement - Forums -

The robots.txt is of course the file used by web bots (e.g., googlebot) to say whether they have permission or not to index parts of a site. Should the robots.

RE: Robots.txt placement for Glassfish - Forums - Liferay.Dev

This may be an obvious question to others, but I was wondering where to place the robots.txt file in a Liferay portal. The robots.txt is of course the file ...

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Robots.txt in liferay - Forums

robots.txt must be on the root of your webserver - there's no configurability in the URL at all. Thus you can't just drop some page with this name anywhere but ...

RE: Robots.txt on Apache - Forums - Liferay.Dev

Hi, I'm trying to configure robots.txt in my application through: Site settings / Build / Pages / Public Pages / Configure (gear icon)/ Advanced / Robots

RE: Robots.txt for each virtual hosts - doesnt works - Forums - Liferay

We have a liferay deployment with multitenant setup and with more domains hosted. We want now correct way handle SEO policies, and needs to be install right way ...

Crossdomain.xml - Forums - Liferay.Dev

When I access the root of the website using the domain ( I get a "Not-Found error". ... txt file from the location?

RE: Liiferay 6.1 and virtual host problem - Forums - Liferay.Dev

I'm using Liiferay 6.1 CE GA 1 Tomcat bundle behind an Apache httpd. I have my httpd virtual host file setup to redirect request to tomcat using ajp.

How to hide Liferay Portal from being index in any of the popular ...

1 Answer 1 · Site Builder => Pages => click on the cog next to "Public Pages" · Open the "Advanced" tab => scroll to the "Robots" section · Fill ...

RE: Invalid robots.txt in 6.1 - Sitemap: http://[$HOSTS$]/sitemap.xml

Hi, I'm running Liferay Portal Community Edition 6.1.0 CE (Paton / Build 6100 / January 6, 2012). In Site Settings, the Robots.txt is showing as:

Liferay robots.txt new line disappearing - Stack Overflow

I am trying to exclude all my liferay testing environment from search engines. The new line is disappearing and \r\n or \n as separators are not ...